Sunday, June 30, 2013

After a night of thunderstorm

After a week of chaotic situation on the haze, the sky is finally clearing. What more to ask for when there is this thunderstorm with heavy rain that took place last midnight to celebrate the end of the smoggy atmosphere in Kuantan air. The wonder of nature, and the great act of nature. Come to think about this, I can't help to think that I am hurting the mother earth from day-to-day life. At this very moment, we are talking about technology. The next, we can't survive without the printed record on hardcopy (paper made from tree pulp). The cause may goes all the way back to a few thousand years back when the first piece of paper was created. Not to forget, back then, China never impose such law as to restrict only one child per family. What is the population back then? What is the population today?

The source of nature is able to accommodate the needs of human beings back then. But look at today, we are digging more and more resources from the mother earth. To balance it, we should have return what we have taken, but wait... what did we return? The fancy packaging to attract consumers and ends up as a non-recyclable rubbish in the dump site? Tonnes of paper kept for at least 7 years before we can at least send it to recycle centre so that records are available when needs arise?

I can't stop thinking. My pair of hands are very dirty, this pair of hand can't even be compared to those pair of hands that are really covered with dirt for the sake of planting or protecting the mother earth. I dare not even to think, annually, how many tonnes of waste have I disposed? But at least, I'm proud to say that I have never waste my food.

I am sorry, mother earth. For I have ill-treated you and not doing much good for you. I feel worse when I come to think that our next generations are going to deal with the waste we have leave behind for them. Come to think about this, I believe that this is the beginning of the generation of greed for we tend to stop thinking for our future when we realise there is not much we have done to hand a good future for our children.

Why education when conscience does not exist? And my heart weeps till the day that I finally do my very best part to be the eco-buddy of the nature :"(

Fiona S.

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